FCBS Bromeliad Photo Index Database: Search Results

Your search returned 5678 match(es).
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Genus:  Aechmea
Name:  coelestis
Remarks:  see Ortgiesia article
Photos:  Photo by Dorothy Berg
Photo by Derek Butcher
 Species/Cultivar:  Species
Taxonomic rank:  Species
Modify date:  10-Feb-2000
Creation date:  10-Feb-2000
Record #:  42

Genus:  Aechmea
Name:  coelestis var. albomarginata
Remarks:  see Ortgiesia article
 Photos by John Catlan
Photo by Jere Rhine
 Species/Cultivar:  Species
Taxonomic rank:  Species
Modify date:  09-Nov-2003
Creation date:  10-Feb-2000
Record #:  43

Genus:  Aechmea
Name:  comata
Remarks:  see Ortgiesia article
 Photos by Peter Franklin
Photo by Derek Butcher
 Species/Cultivar:  Species
Taxonomic rank:  Species
Modify date:  10-Apr-2022
Creation date:  10-Feb-2000
Record #:  44

Genus:  Aechmea
Name:  comata v. makoyana
Remarks:  Brazil, see Ortgiesia article
Photos:  Photo by Derek Butcher

 Photos by Matthias Asmuss

 Species/Cultivar:  Species
Taxonomic rank:  Species
Modify date:  13-Aug-2011
Creation date:  10-Feb-2000
Record #:  45

Genus:  Aechmea
Name:  correia-araujoi
Remarks:  Brazil
Photos:  Photo by Richard Dunn

 Photo by L. Gurken, JBS 1981 p172
Photo by Peter Franklin

 Photos by Shirley Grills-Konefal, The Nature Collection

 Species/Cultivar:  Species
Taxonomic rank:  Species
Modify date:  02-Mar-2008
Creation date:  10-Feb-2000
Record #:  46

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All Photos are © and may only be used by permission.
The copyright of all photos belongs to the photographer and not to the Florida Council.
Permission to use photographs for any purpose must be obtained from the photographer.
Commercial use of these photos is strictly prohibited.


FCBS Bromeliad Species Database

FCBS Bromeliad Natural Hybrids Database

FCBS Neoregelia Photo Index Database